Tuesday 23 April 2013

Absolute Freedom of the New Media Would Bring Harm to Social Harmony

Maybe everyone may know nowadays our media become an advance medium to be spread. But did you know even though new media nowadays is one of sources being used by citizen but it still give a harm towards us. Like everyone knows in Islam it is no good to us give too much complaining ang criticized because it may down others and absolutely did not support others to correct the mistake. So with this freedom like speech may harm the society and social harmony in daily life.

Sometimes you may not realize every word out from your mouth then express it to your keyboard may make others feel hurt and sometimes annoying with your action. You may think it was your right to complaining and criticize but what will user get when they were expressed the feeling on the new media? Did he get what actually he wants? Did satisfaction from doing this useless job increasing? As a user of new media they should know with this unethical activity may harm others and indirectly make them feel bulshit to you as a citizen that did know the meaning of feel better what you have.

Ustaz Fathul Bari Mat Jahya
 For example we may use is like pro antigovernment that use media such facebook, twitter, and blog to condemned government when they feel the idea or policy were bring by current government are totally not side on them. As a democracy country they has right to give a speech or freedom when critic the leader, but did they think actually with condemned others it may give a lower credibility as a speaker. A politician on north region, Ustaz Fathul Bari Mat Jahya says, “Give your opinion or view based on facts and not from your emotion feeling”. Based on this speech, as a good speaker when you were throwing your words makes sure it was based on facts and not from emotional feeling. This may make others have no look to your credibility as speaker.

For example, the falling down of Yunnan kingdom is cause of the too much freedom speech on hall of senate. When too much opinion was used in managing a kingdom, it may harm the structure of administration. The scandal amongst dutches and slave were not controlled and cause of that the enemy seen too much weakness and take the advantage from it. On the other that, with freedom of new media it may seek the disadvantages for the new user or teens user. For example the spreading of porn video or violence video on the internet also may harm social harmony. So with misusing of new media actually may give totally disadvantages rather than advantages. Sometimes we were not realizing that the new media may not harm us but actually it was harm us from the deepest until it become worst. As a conclusion with using of freedom in new media, it may harm the social harmony and sometimes did not give any advantages in developing harmony country.

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