Wednesday 12 June 2013

Kudos to the public who responded to a woman's call for help and helped apprehend the robber.

Date: 12 June 2013, Time: 3pm
Location: Islamic Bank at Dataran Cendekiawan UiTM Shah Alam

A robbery attempt was apprehended and beaten up by the public after he tried to force a woman to surrender her valuables with a knife yesterday.

The incident happened around 3pm at the Islamic Bank near Dataran Cendekiawan UiTM when a 22-year-old woman felt a knife being pressed against her back as she was about to withdraw her money.

The victim, Neily Syafiqah Mohamed Eusoff told the police officer that the suspect demanded for her belongings and money, but she had to put up a fight and was able to apprehend the suspect with the assistance of several pedestrian who had responded to her shouts for help.

The 25-year-old suspect was given a dose of street justice by those at the scene before he was handed over to the police, who brought him to the Klang General Hospital for treatment before detaining him in the lock up pending further investigation.


Wednesday 22 May 2013


 Pemikiran lateral adalah satu pemikiran yang menggunakan daya imaginasi sendiri bagi menyelesaikan masalah dengan menggunakan jawapan yang unik dan tidak terikat dengan jawapan yang skema. Istilah pemikiran lateral ini diasaskan oleh Dr. Edward de Bono. Walaupun jika difikirkan secara logiknya pemikiran sebegini dianggap sebgaiai satu pemikiran yang bidan terjun dan hanya diluahkan secara spontan berdasarkan apa yang terlintas difikiran tetapi ia adalah bagus dan dapat melahirkan modal insan yang mampu menjana satu wadah pemikiran yang berprestasi intelektual dan kreatif.

 Sebagai contoh yang boleh diambil kira ialah andainya seorang pemikir yang kritis telah cuba menghasilkan satu ciptaan yang boleh digunakan untuk pelbagai fungsi satu ketika dahulu. Walaupun alat tersebut dianggap tidak logik pada latar masa tersebut namun hasil dari pemikirannya telah dipraktikkan kini. Antaranya alat komunikasi seperti telefon mudah alih yang bukan hanya digunakan untuk menhubungi kenalan yang jauh namun ia juga digunakan sebagai satu alat mudah alaih yang mampu menunjukkan waktu semasa, berita yang seolah-olah bertindak sebagai televisyen.

Keadaan yang sama dapat di lihat di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur setelah Berjaya menghasilkan eskelator yang bukan hanya menghubungkan seseorang untuk tingkat ke satu tingkat yang lain tapi ia telah mengurangkan pengambilan masa yang perlu diambil oleh oleh pengunjung untuk berjalan di luang legar. Walaupun ia dianggap satu ciptaan yang pelik dan jarang dilakukan namun ia telah berfungsi dengan jayanya dengan mengurangkan masa yang perlu diambil oleh pelawat untuk bergerak di ruang legar. Seperti yang telah disebutkan tadi walaupun pemikiran literal ini dianggap satu omongan kosong atau satu angan-angan mat jenin tapi seandainya angan-angan ini dipraktikkan dan diambil kira sebagai satu perkara yang serius adalah tidak mustahil untuk dihasilkan.

Seandainya pemikiran lateral ini dapat menggambarkan kelas mudah alih atau kita ambil kira pengurangan pergerakan dan masa yang perlu diambil oleh pelajar ke kelas di fakulti seperti yang telah dipraktikkan di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur. Mungkin perkara literal ini jika dilihat dengan kasar ia dianggap satu perkara yang mustahil kerana penggunaan eskelator di fakulti yang menhubungkan pelajar ke kelas, tandas mahupun surau. Tapi haruslah diingat sebgaimana yang telah di praktikkandi Lapangan Terbang Kuala Lumpur. Adakah pemikiran lateral ini hanya sekadar satu omongan kosong dan sekdar masuk telinga kanan dan keluar telinga kiri? Sama-samalah kita fikirkan dengan kritis.

Friday 26 April 2013


Dr. Rahmat Ghazali

When I used to turn on the blog I’m attracted to an article written by Dr. Rahmat on Suara Murba.blogspot. According to his article, the Cyber Balkanisation: distraction to the essence to 1Malaysia. In opening of the article, He was tried to explain to us how the internet useful in human daily routine. According to Sustain (2001), Internet phenomenon that caused userrs to be segregated and isolated and gradually formed their own like-minded colonies. This sentence, may make we realize on how the using of internet are very dangerous and sometimes user become addict and realize the using of internet are so important to them.

What blogger were trying to say is, how the Internets are very powerful sometimes may change human behavior and characteristics. According to the article, this change towards internet user are very harmful because it may influence user especially in the way of thinking and human perceptions. If this symptom is not being weir, it may reduce the productiveness of user in being a positive and intellectual user. When we refer back to blogger opinion  "through such character, they hold the tendencies of being hostilled to others who do not agree with them". Based on this sentence, sometimes the power of internet may hold the perspective of the user.

Wikipedia is one of unethical references
This behavior may cause the bad impact on user, what can we based on example is if we used the internet to find any matter they may depends on the Google fully percent without filter it. Blogger use a good example to us to make a citation such as Pele a Brazil legendary footballer. His opinion is when we talk about Pele in Google mostly about 1001(as an example) story will appear and also about his girlfriend. His opinion is also reasonable because this found story will explain any stories that will regarding to Pele and it was not including to unfiltered story about him. The other example, the using of Wikipedia as the citation is totally not allowable because the defamation or libel on Wikipedia sometimes may be used in spreads the info. The weaknesses of Wikipedia are everybody may or allowed to impress their opinion and editing the article on Wikipedia. The using of Wikipedia nowadays is widely even though user may realize when they use the internet it may harm to them back.

This opinion may be supported by blogger on his sentence, “..internet technology that allows user to customize, filter and select their needs and wants.” The using of wikipedia nowadays is quite worrying because it may harm user with the wrong or inaccurate of the information. The other example we may use is blog that were used to condemn the current of government especially in Malaysia politic. I was held on Dr. Rahmat talk and I get interesting in his speech, “God dislike to people are always complaining and did not mentioned thanks to Him”.

As a conclusion, as a good citizen it is better and good if we use the internet as a lesson to gain a new experience and not to gain a harmless. Sometimes we didn't realize the cyber nowadays are distraction to user to gain a knowledge and there is no other hope by blogger except to citizen being a rational user when use the cyber media. 

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Absolute Freedom of the New Media Would Bring Harm to Social Harmony

Maybe everyone may know nowadays our media become an advance medium to be spread. But did you know even though new media nowadays is one of sources being used by citizen but it still give a harm towards us. Like everyone knows in Islam it is no good to us give too much complaining ang criticized because it may down others and absolutely did not support others to correct the mistake. So with this freedom like speech may harm the society and social harmony in daily life.

Sometimes you may not realize every word out from your mouth then express it to your keyboard may make others feel hurt and sometimes annoying with your action. You may think it was your right to complaining and criticize but what will user get when they were expressed the feeling on the new media? Did he get what actually he wants? Did satisfaction from doing this useless job increasing? As a user of new media they should know with this unethical activity may harm others and indirectly make them feel bulshit to you as a citizen that did know the meaning of feel better what you have.

Ustaz Fathul Bari Mat Jahya
 For example we may use is like pro antigovernment that use media such facebook, twitter, and blog to condemned government when they feel the idea or policy were bring by current government are totally not side on them. As a democracy country they has right to give a speech or freedom when critic the leader, but did they think actually with condemned others it may give a lower credibility as a speaker. A politician on north region, Ustaz Fathul Bari Mat Jahya says, “Give your opinion or view based on facts and not from your emotion feeling”. Based on this speech, as a good speaker when you were throwing your words makes sure it was based on facts and not from emotional feeling. This may make others have no look to your credibility as speaker.

For example, the falling down of Yunnan kingdom is cause of the too much freedom speech on hall of senate. When too much opinion was used in managing a kingdom, it may harm the structure of administration. The scandal amongst dutches and slave were not controlled and cause of that the enemy seen too much weakness and take the advantage from it. On the other that, with freedom of new media it may seek the disadvantages for the new user or teens user. For example the spreading of porn video or violence video on the internet also may harm social harmony. So with misusing of new media actually may give totally disadvantages rather than advantages. Sometimes we were not realizing that the new media may not harm us but actually it was harm us from the deepest until it become worst. As a conclusion with using of freedom in new media, it may harm the social harmony and sometimes did not give any advantages in developing harmony country.

Sunday 14 April 2013

assalamualaikum semua pada hari yg indah di hujung minggu. mungkin saya adalah seorang yang biasa dimata semua. tapi saya mempunyai keinginan yang tinggi. saya amat berharap agar dapat memahami apa yang berlaku di sekeliling kita tapi setiap orang punyai pendapat yang berbeza. begitulah juga dengan perangai nya yang mungkin kadang2 kita sendiri tidak dapat nak menilai apa yang cuba disampaikan oleh semua orang. bila bercakap mengenai cinta, cinta itu memang buta dan cinta ini kadangkala boleh menjdi racun dan penawar. tapi dalam bercinta ada dugaan dia, seperti yang telah dinyatakan di atas tadi. kita tidak boleh menilai seseorang dengan hanya bersama dengannya untuk jangka masa empat atau lima bulan tapi harus bersamanya untuk jangka masa yang lama. so saya harap semua faham dalam bagaimana menilai seseorang itu. apa yang dapat saya lakukan sekarang ini hanyalah berdoa pada Yang Esa semoga masing-masing dapat jodoh yang diidamkan..

Friday 12 April 2013